Sunshine, Sunlight Moonshine, Moonlight Earthshine, Earthlight I may be wrong again but Earthshine (not direct Sunshine) is illuminating the ISS in this daytime pass and the ISS solar Panels are flaring from EarthShine. This ISS pass was August 25, 2015 at 11:01-11:12 A.M. CDT (UT-5) Mount: Astro-Physics 900GTO DBK41AU02.AS color cam at prime-focus on a 10'' Newtonian f4.5 SatelliteTracker v2.5.1 Cordless Logitech JoyStick/Controller ISS approached from my SW Sun was 56 degrees high above the SE horizon The ISS maximum elevation was 72 degrees and also in the SE ISS Departed to the NE The ISS passed within 17 degrees of the Sun Same as a New Moon at 3 or 4 percent. If you can see a New Moon, that is EarthShine illuminating the dark side of the Moon EarthShine illuminates the bottom of ISS in all daylight passes and all panels are visible unless on edge. I think at least 2 of flares were from EarthShine. Had problems centering ISS in post-processing. It was too dim compared to the bright sky. Then I realized the Sun was also too high to illuminate the bottom of ISS. It must be EarthShine. In the few daytime passes I have captured, all ISS panels are visible unless on edge. Again that must be Earth-shine helping illuminate the ISS panels. DOY Date 236 Aug 24 237 Aug 25 238 Aug 26 TLE 0 ISS (ZARYA) 1 25544U 98067A 15236.78651571 +.00009669 +00000-0 +14613-3 0 9995 2 25544 051.6455 101.5148 0001547 096.7956 027.2833 15.55421917958712 Quicksat.exe output 12 0 56 45 343 108 -2.1 0 9 252 252 349 2.4 109 614 72.6 *** 2015 Aug 25 Tue morning *** Times are AM CDT *** 2014 537 H M S Tim Al Azi C Dir Mag Dys F Hgt Shd Rng EW Phs R A Dec 25544 ISS 348 -2.0 11 6 28 51 202 333 -1.5 1 8 252 252 318 2.8 136 730 -3.0 11 6 48 64 186 319 -1.1 1 8 252 252 278 3.2 150 816 8.1 11 7 8 73 136 C 272 -0.2 1 8 252 252 263 3.3 162 915 20.8 11 7 28 65 85 223 -0.5 1 8 252 252 277 2.9 158 1025 32.0 11 7 47 52 68 207 -1.1 1 9 252 252 315 2.3 146 1136 39.1 0 ISS (ZARYA) 1 25544U 98067A 15237.74918303 .00010652 00000-0 16010-3 0 9998 2 25544 051.6448 096.7061 0001601 098.4403 019.7587 15.55447994958861 33.600 88.600 240. 314 Easy St. 2000 6.5 40 F F T T F *** 2015 Aug 25 Tue morning *** Times are AM CDT *** 2014 537 H M S Tim Al Azi C Dir Mag Dys F Hgt Shd Rng EW Phs R A Dec 25544 ISS 348 -2.0 11 6 27 51 202 333 -1.5 0 8 252 252 318 2.8 136 730 -3.0 11 6 47 64 186 318 -1.1 0 8 252 252 278 3.2 150 816 8.0 11 7 7 73 136 C 272 -0.2 0 8 252 252 263 3.3 162 915 20.8 11 7 27 65 85 223 -0.5 0 9 252 252 277 2.9 158 1025 32.0 11 7 47 52 68 207 -1.1 0 9 252 252 315 2.3 146 1136 39.0